The students who needs to study the CA course have four months study periods to develop for the exam. This article helps to know entirely how to develop for the CA foundation course within four months of study period. Today, there are many coaching classes and institutes are there to joining CA examinations. We give some important tips will helps to achieve in your first effort.
Chartered Accountancy (CA) is the difficult course in Coimbatore and every commerce student wants to becoming a CA. In India, there are more than lakhs of students who are joining every year in CA courses, but only some few students are passed in the exam. Now 3,00,000 Chartered Accountants in India. The CA examinations are handled by ICAI (Institute of Chartered Accounts of India).
The entrance test to conduct this course is called as CA Foundation. For these CA foundation examinations, you may pass 10 + 2 examinations. You have minimum four months of time to study after the registration of CA Foundation. We provide some tips which helps to pass your exams in four months. However, the toughest part is implementation, and that is your part.
10 tips to Prepare for CA Foundation During 4 Months Study Pages
We providing some tips that helps to pass your exam. CA exam is not an easy thing to score marks or pass in the exams. You may focus only on your CA exams and do some smart works will also guide you to reach the goal. Now, everyone’s dream to get pass in chartered accountant (CA) exams.
Prepare a Time-Table
In your CA exam, first you may prepare a timetable for your studies. Most of the students think that creating time-table is waste of time. This time-table helps to know how to start, what to study and it has a proper plan that guide your exam. It’s not only to manage your studies in a correct way and also help you to study your achievement.
Join coaching classes
Most of the students think that passing this CA exams without coaching. Teachers play an important role of every student and their careers. The concepts are important from the basic stages, because the Chartered Accountancy is a long-lasting way to go and called as professionals. The proper CA coaching classes have more benefits and clear guidance of your idea.
Create Your Own Revision Notes
The CA course is very important, and it is difficult to study in a day. So the best thing is taking regular notes in your own handwriting which helps to memorize at the exam time. Thus helps make your own notes in your classes which will prove more useful at your exam time. Most of the CA institutes provide notes for your classes, and you may revise that notes for your exams.
Concentrate on Statistics and Logical Reasoning
Non-Math commerce students are suggested to concentrate on the Statistics and Logical Reasoning. Because maths do not make to be a scoring subject. There are 20 marks in the logical reasoning and abide a part is shared equally on both maths and statistics. So, Non-Maths should focus mostly on the above terms.
Command Over Calculator
The ICAI (Institute of Chartered Accounts of India) allows calculator in the CA exams. Because the papers are always long, so it is important to know the uses of calculator and its short cut keys..It helps to save your time in the exam. Most of the students are used good in calculation with the help of this calculator.
Take Short Breaks
So, if you have spend a whole day for your studying, it is not much good for your mind and your learning tactics. Take some time of 10-15 minutes with in 2-3 hours of your breaks. It helps to freshen your mind. In the morning time start with the theory subjects and after practical subjects. Because morning time is the best moment to finish your theory subjects. In the end of your day, you must revise your studies on your whole day.
Minimum Three Times RevisionÂ
This CA course is wide and required to obtain reconsider at least three times before exams. So, you must plan your revision effectively. In your first revision, study each and every subject and note that same questions. It makes your time to be saved for solving same questions again. In second revision prove to execute a single question for each condition and note that question for your third revision that looks to be tough. In your final stage, learn the ideas and resolve that questions which you want one more revision.
Model Test Papers
CA model test papers are very useful for clearing your exam. These model test papers are also helpful for what kind of questions are asking in your exams. Most importantly, you can know the time management. Once you have completed your CA coaching classes, it is best to solve the mock test papers. Most of the students are not effective to answer the model test papers. But you must solve the mock test papers after completion of your CA course.
Revision in the last month
In the final step, you may set a target to finish your course within four months. The fourth month is for your readings and answering the previous mock test papers. The most important thing in your CA classes, you may not focus on other reference books or notes. You may follow only on your institute notes. These tips are more helpful for your exams to score more marks.
Why PR Academy for joining CA classes?
PR Academy is one of the best institute helps all students to find their greatest future in Chartered Accountant (CA). This institute guides every single student to pass their CA exams. It makes them one of the leading CA coaching classes in Coimbatore city. They have a professional staffs to guide all the students to clear their exams. In the past years, they created a benchmark for all coaching institutes. So join this academy and become a chartered account.